Monday, July 1, 2013

Wednesday Date Night. (day in the mountains)

Normally Jordon and I have Wednesday nights off and we usually go on dates that day of the week. So our date this week was up in the mountains. Last year we went hiking up in Park City and it was really nice, it our first time for the both of us in that place. This time I wanted to show him donut falls which is up in the canyons. I like going there because it's not that long of a drive but you can still enjoy the nature up in the mountains without having to drive long distance.

When I was in the young women i would go camping every year, so I'm use to being up in the mountains during the summer. I'm type of person who loves to escape the heat and be in the mountains where its all refreshing. My favorite part when i'm up there is looking up at the stars at night, you can see them so clear and there are so many. Anyways lets get back on topic. .. . 

My sister was in camp this week so my brother was home all alone, since i'm such a good sister i took him with us. The hike is very hard it's only about a mile and a half and then you reach to a waterfall. It's so cool being up there because the water is extremely cold (since it mountain water) and just sitting by the waterfall is like sitting next to an air conditioner. It feels perfect for a summer day. 


Now our hike was a little long than we planned. During our hike we got to a trail that was split, so we took a trail that took us to a different place, which ended up being a dead end. Yes my poor brother who wore his new shoes and gave him blisters was suffering. I felt bad for him but i really wanted to go to the waterfall. Jordon convinced me to go back and look for the waterfall anyways. My brother needed the exercise anyways. 
We turned around and not even five minutes from where we took the wrong trial the waterfall was right there. I had to take Jordon to climb the waterfall with me. My brother just sat down in the bottom and watch me and Jordon climb up the waterfall. It feels so amazing being up there in the top. It's a little dangerous to climb the waterfall but once we reached to the top it felt really cool. 

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